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Reiki is a therapy often described as body healing in which a practitioner sends energy or places hands lightly over a patient's body to facilitate the patient's process of healing by channeling energy for emotional detox. Reiki combines the Japanese and Chinese word characters of "rei" (spiritual or supernatural) and "ki" (vital energy).

Research shows that Reiki helps relieve chronic pain and reduce stress, anxiety and depression associated with chronic pain. Some of the benefits of Reiki sessions for depressed clients include a better sense of mental and physical balance. Reiki may help restore a person's overall sense of balance, both in the mind and the body. This may help to improve mood and to overcome guilt or sadness.


Sheila J Wood

Aligned chakras allow energy flow
Reiki certification
Reiki certification level II
Rock Balancing
Reiki Is Better Than Placebo and Has Broad
Potential as a Complementary Health
Effect of Reiki Therapy on
Pain and Anxiety in Adults
Reiki Really Works
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