Pet Finder, Pet Communicator, Pet Readings

As an answer to your many requests, I am adding this page to help you find your missing pet. It is my sincere hope that we can locate your lost pet and declare him or her found and fit. If you are having an issue that seems irresolvable, we can work together to help communicate the desired outcome. Some resolved issues include understanding why a dog would not eat and recovering a baby boa constrictor. I have included some testimonials below.

My cat Orange showed up at my house last year and just moved in. He was anxious and scared of everything, but he wanted to live at my house. He had been living with me for about a year when I purchased another house and moved across town. When I tried to get him into the car to go to the new house, I could not pick him up without him screaming, biting, scratching, and hissing so I always had to just drop him. As the move progressed and the previous house became emptier, he became more anxious, and I still could not get him into a carrier. This went on for several weeks. I called Shelia and asked her if she could connect with him and to please ask him if he wanted to move. She connected with him, and she told me he did want to move and be with us, but he was scared. She said, “I am going to send him calm, and you pick him up and put him in the carrier.” I opened the door and ask him to come back in the house. I explained what I was doing, picked him up, put him in the carrier. and brought him to our new house. He is so happy to be here, and I could not have done this without Sheila. She is great! ​PatsyMartinsville, Virginia​
My dog Johnny was a senior dog and getting very tired. We would take a morning walk in the neighborhood and sometimes he would go out ahead of me and wait for me. On this day that I went to join him, he was nowhere to be found and he did not come back that night to sleep in the house. I just knew he that he was lying down to transition, I felt it. I looked and looked, my neighbors knew him, and they helped me to look. I was so distraught, and I called Sheila who was about an hour away, but she was able to tell me exactly where to look and there he was. He had taken a nap in dense undergrowth in an out of the way place that was private for him and transitioned from there. I was grateful to find him and will never forget the gift of seeing him one last time. I will always be grateful.