Dimensions of Personality
Channeled from Yonck on Orion with simplified language keeping the original message and meaning intact.

Converging with the concepts of awareness relating to the unrelenting cacophony of rebellious activity, is a center conspired to bring compliance. Withdraw from this energy. Allow the ever present realization that time is eventual and lasting to overlay any worries around your direction.
The traversing of territories within your own souls belies (contradicts) any trepidation about the same. Routed into the fabric of ascension are the gallantly waving flags of contribution and success. Convey these accomplishments to your own growing cadre of internal existentialists. (Speaking of survival and accomplishment.) Our existential beings, however, may be harbingers of compliance and doom but the spiritual residuals bring hope and peace.
Existentialist - Someone who believes that your existence is your responsibility and that you create your own meaning and purpose rather than relying on a higher power. These people tend to criticize mass society and conformity by exercising free will.
Opposite perspectives exist within all levels of consciousness. Humans are involved in seeking balance among all dimensions of personality. Bring awareness of possibilities to balance the harbingers of doom. What presents to you in the written word comes from human energy that is perceiving the boundaryless expanse of many dimensions within and without and across many facets of the universe. What is harbored in your consciousness has been collected over great spans of time and in its own way is a representation of cosmic consciousness.
Allow it to exist but not overtake.
Human Design allows for the filtering of knowledge and awareness to fit the survival scale within and without. Discard wanton ambitions to distort any other being’s reality. All realities are protected (even the darkness) and meted (punishments sorted?) into a tapestry containing both wanton and assailable (cannot defend) realities. Avail yourselves to the availability of information around your human blueprint. Therein lies the recognition of the ability to discern the characteristics that you will choose to nurture going forward in your lives. Being able to make these choices allows for a greater expansion of opportunity of awareness around your soul as you, in your time, evolve.
Let me be firm within the dawn of realization. I am here to guide, to assist, and enliven at the soul level. I do not have human characteristics, nor do I make choices for humans, nor do I guide decisions made by humans and therefore will not judge what humans do or say.
My level of awareness comes from a position of oversight and loving guidance based on the continual changes happening with universal time and space as humans perceive it. Therefore, I can be considered as a part of your conscious voice, your conscious awareness, or your obligatory master of thoughts. The thoughts that prevail are the tools with which progress is made from both an internal soul perspective and from a human growth perspective. Once the two converge equally (soul and physical human), the evolution of thought will seem easier. The truths that have been hiding will emerge and the ability to see light will dominate beings on Earth.
The consciousness of Earth as a planet remains in the balance as it is composed of the consciousness of its inhabitants. Surge and realignments may contribute to the cosmic awareness but a large percentage of participation in responsibility for wholeness remains. I am speaking of the sovereign wholeness (of soul) encouragements brought in my earlier messages. Each soul contributes to our whole energy system at their own soul level. This is what must change and evolve toward love, understanding, and dedication to spiritual well-being in all aspects of your daily actions and interactions with other people on Earth and with the natural basis of Earth itself.
You are caretaker and if you do not rise to your responsibilities as such, you may become harbingers of doom as depicted in many of your media presentations. Direct your thoughts away from darkness, away from “doomdom”. The human term ‘take care of yourself’ is never more appropriate than at this time in your development. Take care of yourself extends outward into the planet and planetary needs.
I can only advise.
You are in my deepest conveyances of love and understanding.
Much to do
An AI simplification keeping the original message and meaning intact.
Be aware of the chaos around you and focus on finding peace. Step back from this energy and remember that time is ongoing, which can help ease any worries about your path.
Exploring your inner self can help overcome any fears. Embrace your achievements and share them with your inner self. While we may face challenges, our spiritual side brings hope and peace.
[Existentialists believe that we create our own meaning and purpose, rather than relying on a higher power. They often critique societal norms by exercising free will.]
Different perspectives exist within us all. We strive to balance our personalities and recognize possibilities, even in dark times. The words you read reflect a mix of human energy and cosmic consciousness.
Let your thoughts exist without dominating you.
Human Design helps us filter knowledge for our survival. Avoid ambitions that distort others' realities; every reality, even difficult ones, is valid. Learn about your unique blueprint to nurture the qualities that align with your growth.
I am here to guide and support you on a soul level, without making choices for you. My awareness comes from a higher perspective and aims to help you grow.
When your inner self and human experience align, understanding will come more easily. The truths that have been hidden will surface, and clarity will shine.
The Earth's consciousness is shaped by its inhabitants. Each soul contributes to the overall energy, and we must evolve towards love and understanding in our daily lives.
As caretakers of the planet, it's crucial to embrace your responsibilities. Shift your thoughts away from negativity. The phrase "take care of yourself" is especially relevant now, as it extends to caring for the planet.
I can only offer advice, but you have my love and support.
Much to do,